Previous Test Results

2017 Results (Academic Year 2016/17)


Progress Result
Achieving good level of development 74% (71%)

Phonics Screening Checks

Year Pass Rate
Year 1 85% (81%)
Year 2 (Re-sits) 97% (91%)

Key Stage 1 (End of Year 2)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard
Reading 88% (76%) 23% (25%)
Writing 80% (68%) 8% (16%)
Mathematics 87% (75%) 20% (21%)
Science 90% (83%) -

Key Stage 2 (End of Year 6)

Subject Reaching Expected Standard* Above Expected Standard Average Scaled Score
Reading 78% (71%) 18% (25%) 104 (104)
Writing 85% (76%) 7% (18%) n/a
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 77% (77%) 20% (31%) 105 (106)
Mathematics 72% (75%) 22% (23%) 103 (104)
Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined 63% (61%) 5% (9%) n/a


Subject Average Progress
Reading -0.3
Writing -0.5
Mathematics -1.0